The Untold Story of The Great Land Theft Conspiracy
in Freestone County, Texas
Colored River, reveals a timeline of dastardly horrific events, including, collusion, conspiracy, and fraud that victimized and destroyed the Henderson family and many other black families in Freestone and Anderson County, Texas. While using Jim Crow laws and the legal justice system as cover, a corrupt cabal of lawyers, con men, and judges, systematically violated the civil and property rights of hundreds of black farmers. You will be able to follow the timeline from the beginning of Texas as a Republic to post Civil War times, and witness first hand, the impact of racism, hatred and greed that eventually robbed these families of not only their land, but also their liberty, their future, and their prosperity.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."
~Benjamin Franklin
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